Friday, June 12, 2009

The Egg Donation Industry is Booming

Eggs have been donated and traded since the fertility industry began 30 years ago. With the use of the Internet, the business has turned into a national open egg market, amid little regulation from the government. Fertility clinics and brokers are raising the prices compensated for eggs and advertising to broke college women with high test scores and well looks.

Websites and college newspaper classifieds always carry numerous egg donor ads. Classified-ad website Craigslist publishes 150 ads on a usual day. A Web search for "egg donor" on Google produces dozens of links to advertisers. One ad in the student newspaper at the University of California, Berkeley says, "Egg Donors Needed. $10,000.” The ad is from a San Diego broker called A Perfect Match and seeks women who are "attractive, under the age of 29" and undergo SAT scores above 1,300.

Donors are typically women aged 21-30, when women are numerous fertile and eggs are healthiest. Of course the a multitude of pressure is on college students, because they are better educated and strapped for cash, and thus more willing to donate. Potential egg donors have got to pass medical and psychological tests before clinics allow their information to be released to prospective parents. Donors take hormone-boosting shots for about a month to stimulate egg production. Ten to 15 eggs are extracted with a needle out of the donor's vagina, while below sedation, and combined with sperm to create an embryo that is later inserted into the future mother's womb.

As some nations curtail the practice, the USA is becoming the industry's last open market. Many couples are traveling to other countries to construct infertility attention because it is illegal in this country, or because of the long wait for the treatment, which can be several years long. For instance, it is illegal to use IVF to select the sex of a child in the UK, while the use of surrogate mothers is banned in France and Spain. In Spain, it is also illegal to receive a donated egg from someone you know, these kinds of as a sister, additonally in Denmark it is illegal to acquire a donated egg from someone you do not know. Couples may in addition be attracted by the more low&wshyp;cost cost of fertility service in Russia, the Ukraine, India, and Greece.

The infertility boom has now grown to include all of it based on what i read in fertility drugs to eggs, and is an forecasted $3 billion a year. Despite the moral issues that surround this industry, infertility services help many infertile couples to conceive and fulfill their dream of raising children. If you don't have any moral qualms right about egg donation, and are healthy, you could assistance an infertile couple conceive by donating.

1 comment:

  1. Hi just wondering where is it possible to donate your egg here in cebu?


if you want fresh eggs from Cebu City. Prices of the eggs are based on its size. Eggs are freshly gathered daily from a poultry farm here in Cebu. Contact : Virgilio Vallecera Feel free to message me at or 6332 2548618 for more details and info. Available at wholesale and retail.